A message from our CEO

Coming soon!


Our vision

All people with developmental disabilities should be provided opportunities to share equally in every aspect of community life and citizenship without discrimination.



our mission

MARCA Industries, Inc. Board of Trustees will provide employment, growth, and support to individuals with developmental disabilities so they have more meaningful lives through partnerships and alliances across the community.




MARCA Industries Inc. was established in 1967. The organization began in a single room at the Children’s Home (designed to be a school) for the developmentally disabled. Several decades later, Marca was working hand in hand with the Marion County Board of Developmental Disabilities as one of their primary agency providers. On January 1 st , 2017 as part of the privatization process in Ohio, which separated county boards from their providers, Marca became fully independent but continued to operate in the same building as a separate entity. While we continue to collaborate with MCBDD as a partner, MARCA is considered a private non-profit agency that no longer resides within MCBDD. We continue to offer a wide array of services and continue to serve the same community as before. In 2020, Marca made the move to our new locations. We now operate multiple facilities allowing the people we serve to have unique opportunities that can be customized to their needs and goals.



Affiliations & Accreditations

  • NAID: National Association for Information Destruction

  • Marion Area Chamber of Commerce

  • Marion County Board of Developmental Disabilities

  • Ohio Provider Resource Association

  • United States Department of Health and Human Services

  • Equal Opportunity Employer

  • Ohio Department of Transportation

  • Department of Developmental Disabilities

  • Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities